Updated: 2/7/2003; 4:05:55 PM
Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy |
Friday, January 03, 2003
De-TiVo'd! Goodbye, 30s Jump. Today our DirecTiVo was de-TiVo'd. They have the DirecTV logos all over it, and very little mention of TiVo. But what really kills me is that they removed the 30 second jump hack. No more using the jump button to go forward 30 seconds. *cry* [The .NET Guy]
Ouch. I'm sorry, but a PVR without a 30-second skip just isn't a PVR. Totally different user experience. Fast forward doesn't cut it. (I assume clever hackers will figure out how to bring it back, though.) 3:41:46 PM
Adam Tried BitTorrent, Gives Up mpeg on limewire. I uploaded an mpeg of the first episode of "Adam's Family" to my machine in Amsterdam, perfect for a node on the GNUtella network. The file is adams-family-1.mpg and I've got it shared with Limewire for OSX. Lemme know if you can download and view it! [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]
Aww, this is dissapointing. Even with help from the creator of BitTorrent, Adam gave up on BitTorrent and decided to use Limewire instead. The interaction design (or lack thereof) is really getting in the way of adoption. (Adam may yet use BitTorrent, but he used Limewire first, and this is the perfect opportunity for BitTorrent.) I wish I was an HCI expert. BitTorrent could really use one. 3:33:45 PM
Copyright 2003 © Shawn Dodd
This is my blogchalk: United States, Texas, Austin, North Austin, English, Shawn, Male, 26-30.