Updated: 2/7/2003; 4:05:59 PM
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Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Awwww, Man... Supreme Court Keeps Copyright Protections "The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld longstanding copyrights designed to protect the profits of songs, books and cartoon characters, a huge victory for Disney and other companies." [Yahoo News]
Awww, man. This sucks. I knew it was a long shot. It's up to Congress to stand up for the Constitution's intent. And you know how I feel about Congress.
No word yet from the Eldred site. I'm sure there'll be some analysis posted around the 'Net today. [Update.] Here's what Lessig has to say. Michael from Slashdot summed it up nicely: "The upshot is that no works produced in the United States after the 1920's will ever go out of copyright." More from Lessig: "What the Framers of our constitution did is not enough. We must do more." Here's a compilation of reactions around the 'Net. 10:20:07 AM
Copyright 2003 © Shawn Dodd
This is my blogchalk: United States, Texas, Austin, North Austin, English, Shawn, Male, 26-30.