Saturday, March 1, 2003
No sooner did Alinghi cross the finish line to win the America's Cup than the Alinghi syndicate accepted a challenge for the next series from Golden Gate Yacht Club, making GGYC the Challenger of Record. GGYC is the club that Larry Ellison and the Oracle BMW team represented in the challenger trials, spiting stately St. Franics YC. This doesn't mean no one else can challenge, just that GGYC and Ellison's team will work with the Alinghi folks to make the rules for the next series--probably three years from now, probably in the Med.
No announcement yet on the Oracle BMW site, and GGYC's server seems to be down, but this will be fun to watch.
8:54:51 PM
Alinghi wins race 5 by 44 seconds to take the America's Cup away from New Zealand. Tezm New Zealand trailed the entire course, breaking and ditching a spinnaker pole on the second run--that's three races with breakage on the Kiwi boat.
And when do we get to watch this on television? Two hours from now, on ESPN2. Tape delayed. What a travesty.
6:37:49 PM
Speaking of DUX, registration is now open, with discounts for STC members.
3:31:43 PM
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