Sunday, March 30, 2003
Lou Rosenfeld, co-author of O'Reilly's Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, notes IA's appearance in an STC publication:
IA on their Minds. Nice to see information architecture receiving coverage in a couple sister fields. The April 2003 issue of Intercom ("the magazine of the Society for Technical Communication") is running a cover story on IA by Mir Haynes. The title is "Information Architecture: You Do It, You Just Don't Know It". Some IAs grouse at this "everybody does it" angle, feeling it undermines the sense of IA as a true profession. Methinks it's great: if more people know about IA, more will... [Bloug]
I hear that Lou will be at DUX.
1:24:13 PM
A reportedly record crowd attended Sacramento STC's annual Writer in the Workplace conference yesterday (conference link broken this morning). TC guru JoAnn Hackos gave the keynote, and 2nd VP candidate Suzanna Laurent gave the lunch presentation. There was one morning session (I heard Suzanna Laurent talk about how we add value), and two afternoon sessions (I heard talks on learning to work with SMEs and on a multidisciplinary project). There were plenty of opportunities for networking with STC members from around the state (some folks actually flew in for the day!), and there was cooperative spring weather.
I drove up Friday night and stayed at a nearby Holiday Inn rather than spend the day exhausted from a nearly four-hour drive. This event is definitely worth attending--getting the chance to hob-nob with JoAnn Hackos and other luminaries is worth the admission even without the thought-provoking presentations.
1:17:15 PM
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