Monday, July 7, 2003
More WiFi Hotspot Competition. Looks like competition is doing its thing in the commercial WiFi hotspot arena. Boingo is offering a lower monthly price... [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
But still no Mac client, which cuts out a slew of users when Boingo is the only WiFi provider at, say, an airport. Not that I need it right soon, but I will someday.
7:09:18 PM
Stop the presses! Pot calls kettle black!!
Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, quoted in a Reuters article:
"How can a manager, who has the duty of running a company, behave as if he owned it?"
Gee, I dunno Larry, why don't you ask Bill Gates or, uh, Larry Ellison? . . .oops!
8:40:57 AM
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