Sunday, July 20, 2003
in 1969. At least that's what my calendar of notable events says. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon a few hours later. I watched that live on television in a dorm at UC Santa Barbara. Thirty-four years ago. Good grief, some of you reading this weren't even alive then.
I also let pass the date July16 without mention: that's the anniversary of the Trinity atomic bomb test in 1945. Fifty eight years ago. And we still haven't learned to put the genie back in the bottle.
5:04:29 PM
Micah Alpern, who led the blogger SIG at CHI2003, has landed a gig at eBay. He starts Monday. Welcome to California, Micah, hope to see you around, maybe BayCHI, who knows. Except I'll be on vacation during the next BayCHI meeting, but don't let that keep you away.
4:54:42 PM
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