Monday, September 20, 2004
4:26:15 PM
It May Be Free, But It's Still A Best Seller.
While the entertainment industry freaks out that if their content is
available online for free no one will buy it, here's yet another
example that it's simply not true. Other things, including packaging,
certainly come into play. How else can people explain the fact that the 9/11 Commission Report is a best seller,
despite being available for free online? At a reasonable price, many
people realize it's simply more convenient to have the hard copy. [ Techdirt]
There's also the realization that, for those of us who like to have
hard copy to carry around with us, it can be more cost-effective to buy
what someone else has printed for us than to print it ourselves,
single-sided, on our overworked laser printers. I have piles of
documents that I've printed from online sources because I want to have
the dead-tree version on hand long after the Web version has become a
dead-end link, or is hidden behind some corporate subscription wall.
3:43:39 PM
Looks like more stuff than I can possibly absorb, but it's nice to have the links handy.
9:22:35 AM
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