Sunday, July 8, 2007
A treatise on taxonomy and search from Scott Abel:
WordMap Makes Taxonomy Creation Simple. . . One of the challenges of the information age is helping people find things. There are many ways to do this, but they all boil down to improving the two main approaches to locating information: navigation and search. Taxonomies are essential for improving both of these approaches and contributing to the bottom line goal of making information more findable. . .
One of the leading taxonomy vendors, Wordmap, provides a free download of its Taxonomy Viewer. Take a test drive to get a taste of how looking at a taxonomy in a dedicated user interface differs from looking at it in a spreadsheet. . .  [ TheContentWrangler.com]
9:22:05 PM
A batch of links from Leisa, all but one related to waterfall software development, or not:
(Returning to my old habit and philosophy of using the blog as storage for information I'll want to retrieve at a later time. Ergo, no further commentary.)
9:17:51 PM
Courtesy of Merlin's 43 Folders, Hanlon's Razor meets Clarke's Third Law:
Hanlon's Razor is one of my all-time favorites, although I never use it in my work sig; I try to keep it marginally professional and and non-negative. Follow the links for definitions and history on an assortment of pithy sayings.
10:55:26 AM
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