Saturday, July 28, 2007
Scoble chats with IBM DE Mike Moran:
Mike is product manager for the OmniFind search family, which is where I spend part of my time. About 10 minutes into the interview he mentions OmniFind Yahoo! Edition, which I've been working on since January.
Keith Instone worked with Mike at ibm.com.
9:03:07 PM
Garr Reynolds provides a handy summary of Made to Stick, in the context of two other books; keep it handy:
If you want to be a better presenter [~] or help others to be [~] here are the three books you should get (two I have recommended repeatedly). Notice that these are not books about presentation. Most of the great books that will help you make better presentations are not specifically about presentations at all, and certainly not about how to use slideware. The first book gives the context. The second one gives the basics of design. And the final one which I am introducing to you today [~]Made to Stick [~] gives you the ammunition for crafting messages that are simple, effective, and "sticky."
Dan Pink[base ']s A Whole New Mind gives us the context of the new world we[base ']re living in . . . Universal Principles of Design. . . you will get a very good and intelligent introduction to fundamental design principles and practical applications of those concepts. . . Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath . . . are interested in the question of what makes some ideas effective and memorable and other ideas utterly forgettable? Some ideas stick and others fade away. Why? [ Presentation Zen] I read Made to Stick over vacation, and got started on A Whole New Mind . Good stuff. Looking for opportunities to put the concepts to work.
5:41:08 PM
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