a travel log
From France to Scotland by sea.
Tuesday, July 2, 2002 |
Weather update: ferry service between Poole and Guernsey is cancelled tonight because of gales and rough seas.... We were planning on sailing tomorrow, but the weather may have other plans for us. I'm going to go and get the weather at the harbour office in a few minutes; we both can't wait to get moving again, so perhaps we will just motor up the coast for a few hours, just to be somewhere else. It's raining right now...
7:14:32 PM
Spending some time in Southampton. Yesterday was spend shopping, and picking Babs up and the station. Made an incredible dinner of peas, beans, asparagus and pasta in a goat cheese, mint and garlic sauce. Unbelievably good.
Today was spent driving around the english country side in a rented car - we visited Winchester Cathedral, and stopped at Brockwood Park, a school my sis went to years ago. Also stopped in and got a tour of the Krishnamurti Center and Foundation. Here is a picture taken leaving Brockwood.

7:08:16 PM
© Copyright 2003 Thomas Degremont.