Departure from Southampton at 1PM, arrival at the morring in Beaulieu river at 5:30 PM Conditions: Huge clouds with some sun in between, 10-20 knots of wind; big thunderstorm with 26 knot gusts
Left late today knowing we would not be going far - conditions are still quite rough. Predicted wind for today was F5, occasionally 6. Tried on our new weather gear, and had the opportunity to try it out. About 30 minutes away from the entrance to the Beaulieu river were hit by large thunderstorm. Clounds were very dark, pounding rain for about 5 minutes, big wind gusts (26 knots of wind at one point - F6), very low visibility.
We could tell it would not last long, the sky was full of big black clouds with each one their own storm below. The whole episode lasted about 15 minutes, afterwhich, dry as a whistle in our new gear, we motored up the beaulieu river in the sun, passing dozens of moored yachts. Had a delicious dinner of crepes, and avocado salad... ahhhh, fresh food! Figure I would enjoy the sunset and fish a little - caught 2 fish in 3 minutes. Released them both as they seemed to small. In french they are called "bar" - not sure what that is in English. Dishes are calling.
10:17:13 PM