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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 13 August 2002
Worlds collide in IBM-VA Software deal - It seems Sourceforge now only runs on Websphere and DB2. This makes it cost a shitload of money upfront, without even purchasing SF itself. That's really too bad, VA will go broke. Why? Because they just don't get it.
11:59:02 PM  comment []   
Microsoft's Xbox to go online on Nov. 15. Xbox Live will launch on Nov. 15, the anniversary of the Xbox launch. Woohoo! I for one can't wait for Unreal Tournament over XBox Live. I believe Halo 2 will be Live too. Very cool. I only hope Live works reliably in Australia with out crappy broadband.
11:53:14 PM  comment []   

Paul linked to Is EJB Always Necessary? (which is really Patrick's work - I just web-ified it!) and added some great thoughts of his own about RMI and how it isn't all it was cracked up to be. Am I crazy, but I don't really think of RMI anymore? I think of SOAP when I want to do remote things (Glue in particular).

11:45:48 PM  comment []   

Java is fun, mmmmmkat?. Maybe someday I will get up to speed with J2EE, move to Australia, and try to get a job with Mike...

Ack! I did come over for JavaOne this year, and for LinuxWorld last year in NY. LinuxWorld was boring, and I was sick for most of JavaOne - I don't have a very good record with US conferences!

11:31:25 PM  comment []   
Russell put up SimpleWeb today - it looks wicked! A simple Java Wiki with all sorts of useful features, including HTML subset editing, basic searching and RSS feeds. Awesome. I have to replace our extranet with this soon - it's still running a Perl wiki I think. [Russell Beattie Notebook]
3:01:40 PM  comment []   

So you enjoyed the issue linking teaser? How about the new look and feel settings from JIRA 1.4. (I hope Bob doesn't mind us using his look and feel as a demo - I'm sure he appreciates the free ad! )

As always, feedback most appreciated!

11:54:47 AM  comment []   
So you want to see what IRC in an IDE looks like? How cool is this - IDEA now has an IRC plugin. It's not perfect yet, but a great start. See a screenshot or download it for yourself.
9:57:37 AM  comment []   

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