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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Friday, 30 August 2002

In the end, it will be Intertwingly.

Wiki musings. [...] I like the SnipSnap integrated Wiki-Blog idea, I'm going to explore integrating this with JIRA so you can do rapid knowledge sharing along side your bug tracking - all nicely crosslinked. [...] [rebelutionary]

Hmmm. Is that a bug tracking system in your pocket, or are you just knowledge sharing for the fun of it? ;) [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog Zilla]

hahahahaha maybe it's just beer'o'clock on a Friday afternoon in Sydney, but that made me laugh. Oh, and I just came out of a 2 hour meeting, largely about our next product...

5:16:05 PM  comment []   

My thoughts on Russell's SimpleWeb thoughts:

  • Using HTML as a markup language means you can use a rich text area (on IE) to write pages - that would be wicked! (wiked?)
  • I like the SnipSnap integrated Wiki-Blog idea, I'm going to explore integrating this with JIRA so you can do rapid knowledge sharing along side your bug tracking - all nicely crosslinked.
  • hsqldb performance is pretty good IIRC
  • Have you thought about searching? Lucene would rock for this.
  • Caching? OSCache.

The thing I can never get my head around with Wikis is how to provide a better knowledge organisation paradigm. By this I mean index pages, lists, searching etc - but as automated as possible. Configurable sorted page buckets like Webcompass?

11:43:28 AM  comment []   

OK - I'm finally up and running with Jaguar on my iBook *cheer*. The install took a lot longer than I had expected. That's not to say it wasn't smooth, but I don't suggest starting your upgrade at 11.30am unless you want to finish past 2am having watched the whole of a crappy late night horror movie like Brainscan.

My experiences are scarily similar to Raible's.

  • Installation (upgrade from 10.1.5) was very easy. No problems at all.
  • I don't care about Mail - I use Entourage.
  • Dave doesn't work under Jaguar, and is a pain in the ass to remove (instructions). I had to manually enter each command in the end.
  • Windows (SMB) sharing is dreamily easy to setup with one caveat - if you perform an upgrade, you must reset your password for it to work. I found this tidbit via Google, as soon as I did - presto! - everything worked wonderfully.
  • I still can't seem to print properly to my HP2100 via IPP.
  • iChat is cool - but the UI is kinda funky.
  • Quite a few fonts seem weird - my Entourage mail list no longer looks as nice as it used to.
  • Sherlock is US specific - and thus a waste of space on my iBook.
  • iCal - bring it on!
11:36:35 AM  comment []   

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