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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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blogchalk: Mike/Male/21-25. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Glebe and speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.


Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Wednesday, 31 July 2002
JIRA is "rather nifty looking" according to Knowledge Pool - thanks! Knowledge Pool is a cool blog btw!
11:48:52 PM  comment []   
So you already use log4j? I bet you could use it better if you read Vipan's guide to log4j - "Don't Use System.out.println!" An excellent read, with a lot of useful log4j tidbits and example configurations in it.
3:08:49 PM  comment []   

Joe points to two brilliant looking books:

Test Driven Development (Kent Beck) is a book devoted to the black art of unit-testing. Remember in Return of the Jedi when Yoda was rambling on about how to be an effective Jedi and then in Attack of the Clones you actually see him strut his stuff - and he kicks ass... well Kent kicks ass.


Enterprise Application Architecture (Martin Fowler) is his long awaited book that's been evolving on his website for over a year. This book looks at design and architectural patterns of enterprise systems and discusses many practical implementations that can be built ranging from the quick and simple to very clever and scalable.

10:48:53 AM  comment []   
NSW KM Forum (Sydney, Australia). Sorry for the late notice. The next NSW KM Forum evening is this Thursday. Details as follows: When Thursday 1st [Column Two]
10:42:03 AM  comment []   
Joe's Jelly has been resurrected and redesigned - it looks fantastic! If you're looking for another good J2EE / development blog to read, add Joe to your list. He's one of the smartest guys in J2EE I know.
10:25:02 AM  comment []   

IBM bought PwC - damn. Press release, article.The most amazing thing here is the issue of scale. You think PwC is big? IBM Global Services has 150,000 people (vs PwC's 30,000) and makes almost 10 times as much revenue.

Mr. Joyce said IBM had contemplated buying PwC in 2000, but couldn't justify the valuation at the time. However, he noted that current market conditions created a "unique opportunity" for both parties.

I think what he means is when they were valued at $17-$18 billion (4x revenue) - they were over priced. Now it's only $3.5 billion (0.7x revenue) - they're cheap .

Oh - and if they're looking for more bad names, I suggest "Big Blue Monday".

10:22:50 AM  comment []   

WebWork joins OpenSymphony - sweeeeeet. WebWork is my favourite MVC framework for web-apps because of how clean it is. It has had a central place in my development toolbox for some time (after finally ditching the OSCore MiniMVC born out of frustration with Struts). Extending it declaratively is a breeze and because it's so decouple from the Servlet layer, unit-testing is really easy (almost too easy!). All it needs now is a big following...

Amen. [Joe's Jelly]
12:56:03 AM  comment []   

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