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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 2 July 2002

Scott on OSCache (he likes it!) but CacheFilter is not very well documented, so I had to look at the source to figure it out. Yeah - this is a problem I admit. It's Open Source but that is no excuse.

Luckily OSCore and OSWorkflow have recently got some killer documentation, and the SiteMesh manual is coming along. We're learning as a project that releases + documentation is very important! 

Care to submit a doc (even just email me?) what you found out?

(BTW SiteMesh might be something you want to look at for the layout of Roller - it has Velocity directives too IIRC, I'm not sure if they're in CVS though)

4:34:59 PM  comment []   

SunONE App Server to be available for free for Linux, Windows, HP-UX and AIX:

Sun has said that the new AppServer will be based on the J2EE reference implementation, which could give them an unfair time to market advantage over the competitors.

Or alternatively it could just mean that it's total crap (like the RI) and we have nothing to worry about. This is nothing but more shovelware in the J2EE space IMHO, put it on the pile next to HP's free app server that doesn't come with transaction support.

Another thing that amazes me is people who think that just because something is Open Source, it might be crap. 

I am currently vulnerable to criticism from any pinhead within the company that's wants to brown-nose thier local executroid by questioning the quality of our group's applications because we use open-source.

Do these people not know about Linux? Apache? Samba? BIND? JBoss? *sigh*

4:29:52 PM  comment []   
I'm not sure if this IRC log is real - but if it is some girl is truly loopy, and some guy somewhere is truly fucked.
2:12:34 PM  comment []   

Ugo on caching webapps: "OSCache would be interesting, if it weren't JSP-centric."

It isn't! OSCache is at the heart a generic caching infrastructure with pluggable caching policies etc. The JSP tags are just one interface into this caching structure. The CachingFilter is another - it caches binary content via a ServletFilter. You could easily write more interfaces into OSCache.

11:33:58 AM  comment []   
$200,000 for Xbox Linux? This could only be someone like Scooter McNeally having a big joke no? [Slashdot]
11:28:52 AM  comment []   
b-may:. "My answer was, 'Noooo....' My thought was, Wha? Did highschool girls stop checking me out?" [evhead]
11:25:53 AM  comment []   
(from the resin-interest mailing list)

>> We [at] switched to Resin
> Somehow this seems like the ultimate endorsement of Resin: Dilbert uses it!
> I think Caucho should license the character and begin using the tagline "The
> only Dilbert-approved application server"... :o)
> Which server then does Dilbert's boss approve?
IIS of course.

11:22:50 AM  comment []   

Dot-com noir: Scary, scary, scary business practices from the heart of the dotcom era - "According to former colleagues, Ronald J. Penna, Michael K. Osborn and Kevin Smith used to pose this question: Imagine there's a peasant somewhere halfway across the world. If you could push a button and kill the person without getting caught, would you do it for a million dollars?"


2:02:23 AM  comment []   

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