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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 11 July 2002

Batteries not Included. Features wise, JBoss is looking very nice. It has a traditional open source project problem - lack of doco. [

This is certainly true. Unfortunately the JBoss group makes a lot of it's money from the doco I think. You can buy it for $10 from the website. However you do get what you pay for, the doco is very detailed! (I've heard they make over $500k a year from those docs). I do wish they would make a little more available for free though.

12:47:00 PM  comment []   

Anthony Eden has a response to the WebWork framework discussion (permalink gives me a 404 so I linked to his blog). His Wafer project also seems valuable - it basically tries to compare MVC frameworks. Not an easy thing to do but even a little comparison is a good idea.

(Anthony - no RSS feed? Sad!)

12:41:13 PM  comment []   

Damn I'm jealous - Patrick (PSquad) looks like he's having an awesome time in Europe.

10:51:50 AM  comment []   
Web Development in Heavy Traffic - a few good tips. Not sure I agree with him that he uses the best servlet container - if he used Resin or Orion I'm sure he'd need much less RAM.
10:50:27 AM  comment []   
Clustering with JBoss 3.0. OK - so JBoss 3 is rapidly gaining my respect, it's clustering architecture sounds awesome. Automatic deployment across the cluster, JNDI replication, new servers automatically find the cluster, ability to turn on / off different clusterable items. This is really top stuff.
10:38:08 AM  comment []   
Pointy brackets. Isn't it all just a bunch of pointy brackets? ;-). I agree - I can't understand XML fanatics who decry HTML. You can write HTML as pure XML if you want - surely that's just as 'neat'? [Be Blogging]
10:04:33 AM  comment []   

A spell checker for IE, but not if you use OS X. Dave Winer's note about ieSpell being a "free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage" intrigued me enough to check the Web site for the program. Alas, it is a Windows-only add-on for IE...

Still - it sounds like a cool add-on! [Mac Net Journal]

10:02:06 AM  comment []   
Electronics Design Chain Magazine (I know - not one of my regular reads) has a great article on the design triumph of the iPod. If you skip the electronics mumbo-jumbo there is a lot of interesting info on Apple's design process. Now I just need to get me an iPod.
9:52:06 AM  comment []   

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