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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Friday, 12 July 2002

Doc Searls has written the most fascinating presentation I've ever read about Anarchy and Infrastructure. Written for JabberConf 2002, I recommend that everyone reads it... twice... and thinks. Lots of great insights here, like:

"Hollywood sees the Net as a plumbing system for intellectual property and other content,
Geeks see the Net as a place - a commons - where people can make culture and do business"

12:03:00 PM  comment []   
Ant 1.5. Hey cool, Ant 1.5 has gone gold. Or platinum. Or something. I wonder if there is any chance of getting the Jakarta News page as an RSS feed ... [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]
11:59:45 AM  comment []   

XDoclet moving to Velocity. Aslak is encouraging the VDoclet team (a team of 1?) to join forces with the XDoclet team. XDoclet is preparing to drop the weird XML templates and adopt Velocity as it's templating language. That is great news. Those XML templates are butt ugly.

I agree - Velocity would make it all faster too! My biggest complaint about XDoclet is that it is sooo slow. A merger is a good idea IMHO. [Blogging Roller]

11:58:49 AM  comment []   

Budgeting is good for the soul.

Bad VC market a good time to start a company:. "...while capital is scarce and returns on venture investments have never been poorer, the track record from previous downturns suggests that conditions for building a solid start-up may be the best they have been in years." [evhead]

Hey Mike, maybe doing the company thing isn't so stupid after all. You learn how to run a company on a tight budget! :) [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]

True enough mate, true enough.

11:54:22 AM  comment []   

Die Warzau - Engine Tour Shirt - 1995. The wordiest concert t-shirt ever.

Definitely weird, here's the first line (of the first t-shirt essay I've ever read):

Now that we're smart enough to stop dragging our women by the hair into caves to fuck them, maybe we can start paying them equal wages for equal work.

[Pat's Weblog]

11:45:51 AM  comment []   

One of the new plans for the new WTC - ambitious is the only word that comes to mind. I do like the biosphere living memorial idea though.

11:40:42 AM  comment []   
WebGain Out Of Business

"It's over," the employee, who requested anonymity, told CRN Tuesday. He called the WebGain debacle, "How to spend $200 million in 24 months," citing the amount of funding WebGain received from investors, which included Warburg Pincus Ventures and BEA Systems.

[discussion on The Server Side]

11:39:38 AM  comment []   

Big surprise: there's not much demand for the Segway [Doc Searls]

11:23:43 AM  comment []   

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