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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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blogchalk: Mike/Male/21-25. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Glebe and speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.


Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Monday, 8 July 2002

The King of Mac 'T' Collectors:

System 7.1 sucks less: This shirt was created by an Apple programming team and sold at Boston Macworld Expo. On the back it said: "We've upped our standards -- up yours!" Wearing the shirt at the Expo got Cohen banned from the Apple booth. It was eventually imitated widely. Dozens of companies inserted the name of their product. Inevitably, even Microsoft stole the idea.

We should print up more t-shirts.

10:59:39 PM  comment []   

OMG: eBay bought PayPal. Interesting. PayPal now owns the two largest online payment networks, controls a huge proportion of their business and is going to aggregate them. Smart move or monopolistic tendency?

Sounds like another Verisign-Thawte-Network Solutions-every-payment-network-in-the-globe deal.

10:42:31 PM  comment []   

The Register - sometimes it's good to have loyal readers... sometimes it's not. 

"We recently came across a sex site called PronPost which is carrying an ad for Reg Recruitment because, the webmaster explains "i like the register... just thought i'd send some traffic your way ";)"". "

10:38:54 PM  comment []   
I'm not a huge TV watcher, but Monday night has turned into a veritbale gold mine of laughs in Sydney. Here's a classlc quote from The Secret Life of Us:
"Live like there's no tomorrow,
Sing like you're in the shower,
Fuck like you're being filmed."
(no, I don't actually watch the show - it was on during the break between John Saffran and Life Support. BTW Saffran had me rolling with laughter by strapping a video camera to a dog, letting it walk around randomly, turning it into a video clip and then getting it on Rage - hahaha)
8:58:59 PM  comment []   

I put up some JIRA testimonials in the process of revising the site for JIRA 1.3. It's nice to feel loved!

5:37:51 PM  comment []   

Brett on changing weblog software: Pat is moving to movabletype. I was thinking of doing this - but I'm not sure how well it will run through Orion and it's not J2EE. 

Is anyone interested in taking some of the movabletype features and putting them into Roller? Brett? Charles? David?

I'm a J2EE nut so using a Perl based weblog software would irk me - then again I currently use Radio so I shouldn't care.

5:33:11 PM  comment []   

Haskell is cool: It's all haskell based, which I am contemplating taking a year or two off sometime to play with. Probably back at UNSW as they seem to have collected most of the haskell-heads in Sydney into one location. [Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog]

Why the hell would you want to do that? Being from UNSW and having used Haskell - it's ugly. Ugly, ugly, ugly. Did I mention frustrating? Give me Java anyday

2:39:13 PM  comment []   
While watching the Wimbledon final, I wrote an essay about The State of Instant Messaging which perhaps should be titled "Why IM is Bad and Wrong". [The Desktop Fishbowl]
9:58:53 AM  comment []   
Scrollbar Racing - sounds dumb, is dumb, but amusing. [daypop]
9:47:14 AM  comment []   

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