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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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blogchalk: Mike/Male/21-25. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Glebe and speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.


Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Sunday, 14 July 2002

She Built a Business in 'No Time': "Karin Spitzer is a young fashion entrepreneur who is building a business out of nothing but a copyrighted phrase. Spitzer, 27, is a refined example of how little it takes to build a business in the information economy: Her tools consist only of a laptop and some imagination"

She runs the business from an iBook and it's a nifty product. I love simple businesses like this one. Reminds me of the Volume Control Knob (incidentally my 2nd ever blog post).  [Julian's Scrapbook]

10:47:21 PM  comment []   

Glue 3.0 is out - this is the best SOAP toolkit on earth (and free for most uses). Developed by some very smart people.

It rocks. Use it. We do.

7:23:37 PM  comment []   
JoBo is another Java based web spider. I'm not sure how it compares to WebSphinx which is still my personal favourite web crawler. []
7:00:14 PM  comment []   

bob mcwhirter (from The Werken Company) thinks that JIRA is cool software - cool! One of the most encouraging trends for us is that we're winning a lot of users away from Scarab and Bugzilla - sheerly on the basis of a better quality product.

6:54:43 PM  comment []   

Yesterday I found a tool I've been trying to find for ages. What I wanted is a combination of LogiTest and httpunit - and I think I've found it in maxQ. It acts as a proxy between your browser and a web application, recording the requests and responses. You can then add various tests into the recorded script (it has a few automatic tests) - and play back the script from the command line.

By combining maxQ with CruiseControl and a few different web containers - I think I've found a great way to continually test the JIRA web tier against multiple servers. Wicked.

I'll let you know how I go testing it during the week.

6:48:05 PM  comment []   
I tried AmphetaDesk out briefly today, but while it organises news better than Radio's aggregator it seems to have some fatal flaws. Or maybe I'm using it wrong. Does all the news always appear on the one page? How do I mark an item as read? Can I page through the news? I don't think I can do any of these. I guess I'll stick with Radio's buggy aggregator then.
6:44:08 PM  comment []   

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