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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 30 July 2002
XML-RPC e-mail. Would the developers of the world have any interest in using a XML-RPC based API to send and receive e-mails? XML-RPC email would be nifty, but SOAP email would rock. Using Glue and James this would take a weekend to build. 'course IMHO a bigger problem is that there are no clients for it
4:49:13 PM  comment []   
Amazon offers OS X 10.2 for $79 - cool, save $AUS100 on a copy of OSX through Amazon. The only caveat? You have to know someone who is a resident in the US. My parents will do
4:47:42 PM  comment []   

Sun launches J2EE certification program: This probably isn't a surprise. Basically if your application passes the Application Verification Kit (AVK), and you pay the annual licensing fee to Sun - you get a Java Verified application stamp. See the Java Verification Program for more details. 

Only applications that don't target any vendor-specific extensions, but rather target just the generic J2EE specifications, will pass the Java Verification Program, the company said.

I guess this means no Java Verified stamps for a lot of applications and components - many just run on one or two application servers (usually Weblogic and Webfear). This is good for vendors like us.

The only downside might be the cost and the AVK.

  • The cost? Who knows. Sticking with the usual trend of enterprise software vendors, there are no costs listed on the Sun site. I've emailed them.
  • The AVK? I hope it has improved since it was announced at JavaOne. Back then it sucked. It only very thinly tested your application, and more amusingly you only needed 80% to pass. This is ridiculous. What use is "my application is 80% compatible"?!

We wait and see...

4:23:36 PM  comment []   

Dinner with the mind behind the mind of God (Google that is):

What would a perfect search engine look like? we asked. "It would be the mind of God. Larry [Page] says it would know exactly what you want and give you back exactly what you need."

[Brett Morgan's Insanity Weblog][Google Weblog]

1:23:02 AM  comment []   
Charles Miller posted up his Reading List 1. I'd add to it some of my own favourites: Peopleware (team development), Rules for Revolutionaries (marketing), Batteries Included and Pour Your Heart Into It (the last two are about customer service). There are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
1:12:42 AM  comment []   

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