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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 16 July 2002

Someone's Got to Move Units! - An ancient (October, 1998) Wired article about the software sales process. It's always amazing to look back and see how things change, and how they stay the same.

(By the way if you're a software sales / business development person in Sydney - let me know - I promise we'd nothing like the article )

4:44:41 PM  comment []   
Matt has some thoughts on what his company will be like - Be Creative Or Die.  I love the 3 T's - technology, talent and tolerance.
11:57:30 AM  comment []   

EyeTV turns an OS X machine into a PVR. Read about it in EyeTV Review on the Macintosh Digital Hub site.

Wow. This is awesome. If only it supported PAL I'd buy one today. [Macintosh News] [Adam Curry]

11:51:32 AM  comment []   
NewsNetWire is an OSX newsreader for RSS feeds. Very slick except it doesn't seem to have any concept of a 'link to post' on a blog or something. [Adam Curry]
11:46:36 AM  comment []   

Brett is talking about The Object Refinery and other "open source java project/portal thingey"s.

As usual I started on a small post, that turned into a longer post, and then into a story. Voila - the Open Source J2EE Landscape document. Feel free to mail me additions, corrections or flames.

11:42:02 AM  comment []   

Todd Woody on the rise and fall of The Industry Standard - very well written:

By the fall of 2000, Battelle and the Standard's leadership were not just drinking the Kool-Aid; they were mainlining the stuff. At a staff meeting, Battelle sat on a stage in a hotel ballroom where several hundred Standard staffers had gathered. Behind him a large screen read "BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)." He launched into his spiel about how Standard Media International would become a billion-dollar-a-year, 900-employee company within five years. ... I listened in vain for the word "journalism."

11:30:33 AM  comment []   

David is looking at all the different Open source Java persistence frameworks. Personally I'm an OFBiz Entity Engine fan - but I do realise that it's more 'radical' than the others. Having worked with a couple of them - and entity EJBs - OFBiz makes it very easy to modify your data model dynamically, and to treat different objects similarly - but in a flexible way.

For example in JIRA we have methods which take an entity representing a Project, Component, Version or Issue - and the method behaves differently depending on what entity it is given. You can't do that elsewhere.

One day I should really dump all my knowledge about this sort of stuff somewhere.

10:37:24 AM  comment []   

Amazing - The ServerSide actually had some useful news on it today:

  • The US Office of Management and Budget (any idea what the fuck that is in Australia? or don't we need one?) has ranked J2EE above .NET,
  • HP has exited the application server market (no surprise - their server sucked),
  • The Liberty Alliance has finally released a spec, and
  • the JCA 1.5 spec has been released
10:21:59 AM  comment []   
Mark's latest Good Experience has some great insights into how web users really think (it seems to come down to "how do I get what I want?" not "where am I?") and how Diesel intentionally confuses its customers for profit.
10:17:58 AM  comment []   

Paolo: "I have had a company web site for about the last 7 years, but I have never received much feedback from it. Since I have opened my blog I'm receiving lots of messages from people all over the world. This is happening because they perceive the weblog as the interface to a person, while the company site belongs to a faceless entity, even if for some of those 7 years, behind that company web site there was only one person: me.

Time for anonymous companies is over, we have all had enough, it really looks like it's time for people, time for weblogs."

10:05:00 AM  comment []   
"I think that white-collar crime is way more despicable than someone who steals a loaf of bread because they're hungry. I'm from Detroit. Throw them in the drunk tank in downtown Detroit and have them make a few new friends." - Scott McNealy on white collar crime. I agree! [GMSV]
9:32:02 AM  comment []   

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