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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Monday, 1 July 2002

IBM's released Eclipse 2.0 if you're not an IDEA fanatic.

11:50:48 PM  comment []   

Woman unhappy with her assigned license plate: 'BLO 4 SX' - hahahahaha - and I thought people gave me shit about my customised number plate.
[via FARK] [via Sam Gentile] [via Brett Morgan]

11:41:27 PM  comment []   
Roller 0.9.3 is out! (Download) "Roller now uses OSCache for caching all weblog pages. This results in a dramatic improvement in performance." w00 - another happy user. [Blogging Roller]
11:28:38 PM  comment []   
A picture named lowenbrau.jpg

A big Sunday night was had by all at the Lowenbrau watching Germany and Brazil in the World cup final. Despite the German flags (hey, the face painting was free - who can turn that down?) I was happy with the result. I thought Brazil was the best team in the competition and deserved to win.
3:08:49 PM  comment []   
A few people have emailed me to ask for my RssDistiller patterns for Java and J2EE news sites, so I thought I'd post them up here - see Java News Site Scraping Patterns.
2:39:26 PM  comment []   

wftk has announced he is thinking of creating wftk-j (wftk in Java). This makes yet another Open Source Java workflow system (if it is created). I really should put up a page listing all of the different workflow systems.

Is more always better? Most of the time. I hope that some of these projects can collaborate to share resources etc though. I'd rather see 3 good Java workflow systems than 10 crappy ones.

11:34:28 AM  comment []   

Back to Mac - wow, big calls here. I like my Mac but I'm not sure it has been life changing:

My switch back to Macintosh was not just a good business decision, it was a life-changing experience. Being a Mac to Windows to Mac user, I can honestly say that the Mac changes you from being a victim of technology to a master of it.

11:24:00 AM  comment []   

Tim O'Reilly on The Strange Case of the Disappearing Open Source Vendors:

It may turn out that the observation that first triggered the wave of open source activism ("Just because there's no vendor behind software, it doesn't mean it isn't important") remains the touchstone of the movement. The "strange case of the disappearing open source vendors" doesn't reflect the weakness of open source but its strength. And the fact that open source may reduce the revenues of some software vendors does not mean that it reduces economic activity or economic success, but instead that it correctly allocates the profits to the developers of that software, its users.

11:04:06 AM  comment []   

Sun has released reference implementations of both the J2EE Management Specification and the J2EE Deployment API.

I personally wan't wait for the deployment API to become common place - I think some very cool tools will come of this. [via Cafe Au Lait]

9:55:10 AM  comment []   

Since I work for SpiritSoft I'm obviously biased and would prefer something like Gaia to use a JMS backbone for true scalability and fault tolerance :-) [james strachan's musings]

Ahh but you see Glue can send SOAP messages over JMS - so it's already done

9:45:58 AM  comment []   

Unwilling to wait for their eventual indictments, the 10,000 remaining CEOs of public U.S. companies made a break for it yesterday, heading for the Mexican border, plundering towns and villages along the way, and writing the entire rampage off as a marketing expense.

Very funny stuff from Bob McGhee [via Curiouser and curiouser!]

9:40:41 AM  comment []   
Ancient bronze sex toys found in China - my girlfriend sent me this. I have no idea what that means
12:26:38 AM  comment []   

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