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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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blogchalk: Mike/Male/21-25. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Glebe and speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.


Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 5 September 2002

Meet the authorUnless nobody signs up and the whole thing gets cancelled, (or they decide to hold it at the Newtown Arms) I'll be at the Sydney webloggers meetup on Wednesday the 18th. Live in Sydney? Come along. Anyone who mentions Java, XML or Dave Winer has to buy a round. [The Desktop Fishbowl]

I suppose if Charles is going I might as well go along. Signed up. Probably against my better judgement.

I have a pathelogical fear of a 'blog meetup' being a silent room full of black t-shirt wearing geeks. Do we get nametags? URL tags?

5:20:31 PM  comment []   

Java Platform Performance. Java Platform Performance: "Direct from Sun's JavaTM Performance Team, JavaTM Platform Performance is a comprehensive field manual full of battle-tested strategies and tactics for developing high-performance applications and applets with Java technology" Entire book is online in html form too. [Julian's Scrapbook]

(Not sure how 'new' this is but still useful)

10:55:53 AM  comment []   

When Text Messaging Turns Ugly

"We are watching you ... we are going to kill you ... we are going to kill your mum."

This message would make anyone uneasy, but British children regularly send messages like this to each other as systematic bullying enters the 21st century through SMS -- the short message service that comes with all mobile phones in Europe.

10:44:22 AM  comment []   

Dave is also now working on a Java implementation of Radio Community Server. Charles started working on this a while ago, but I'm not sure how far he got. You guys should collaborate with each other, and with Roller! Java-Radio man!

10:42:25 AM  comment []   

I'm having a happy day. Why? The Roller crew (especially Dave) seem to like JIRA!

There's nothing more satisfying than waking up to find another happy user. But even better than that, they're satisfied bloggers and I've found over the last 3 months that bloggers are the best type of users. Why?

Firstly (most obviously), bloggers write about your software and act as a guerilla marketing force.

Secondly (and more importantly IMHO), bloggers are good communicators. This makes them excellent testers and users because they tell you what they want, what doesn't work and what could be better. For a software company, this sort of information is invaluable.

(PS This is also why bloggers would/do make good employees - they are natural communicators and 'out loud' thinkers)

10:01:14 AM  comment []   

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