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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Wednesday, 18 September 2002
Web-based editing tools. Paul Browning maintains an excellent list of TTW WYSIWYG Editor Widgets. For the rest of us, TTW stands for "through... [Column Two] Useful list. It seems to me that if you're not using IE, you're screwed basically.
11:30:43 AM  comment []   

Jason has started a Call to Arms for like minded, expert Java developers to help with his news aggregator project. I was sceptical, but then I heard he's basically rewriting Radio / AmphetaDesk using WebWork, some sort of XML persistence and Quartz for scheduling. Wicked! Count me in! It would also be an awesome WebWork sample application (see opensymphony-webwork list for today's discussion)

I would suggest using hsqldb for persistence, as it is wickedly fast and in memory. Storing lots of data in XML is ugly.

Hey *slaps forehead* I've already starteda prototype of most of this a while back, I bet you could probably use a hand eh?

Confluence is simple something I whipped up that does most of this! Not many WebWork actions yet, this is quick and dirty model 1 JSP prototyping. It already reads and stores RSS 0.92 and 1.0, as well as parsing OPML files and some rough headline browsing stuff. All stored via OFBiz in an hsqldb.

ZIP is flying to you via email already, perhaps we can use this as a starting point?

11:19:15 AM  comment []   
Aspects and Intentional Programming Team Up? I didn't know that the other half of Simonyi's new venture was the creator of AspectJ - fascinating! [::Manageability::]
10:59:11 AM  comment []   

Michel Vuijlsteke: "And the hits started rolling in." [Scripting News]

Or how to use your Austin Powers-esque name, natural breasts, a few X-rays and some nudie pics (links included) to become famous around the world. What a strange tale.

10:57:04 AM  comment []   

Fishbowl thoughts:

Mike, an OPML version of the java.blogs list would make it much easier to import all of them into NetNewsWire at once.)
Agreed - coming! Does anyone know if it is possible to run XSL within Radio before an upstream? I know nothing about Radio / Frontier programming.

Meanwhile, the blog.meetup is at the Zanzibar tonight. I'll be there, because it's only two blocks from my apartment, and if nobody turns up I'm sure I'll be able to get a game of pool anyway.
I'll be there - but I have a basketball game before hand so probably not until 8.30 - 9ish. Any other Aussie tech bloggers going? I guess we'll find out.

Quote of the day, from Kevin Burton:

Hacking Mozilla is like dating a beautiful but crazy woman. Sure she is hot, and sure the sex is great, but the constant attention she demands and the way she freaks out at a seemingly ordinary request just get old after a while.

10:51:02 AM  comment []   
It seems that Russell agrees that Dave "has really lost it this time". He also links to 0xDECAFBAD's good summary of all that is wrong with Mr Winer's delusional rantings.
10:43:46 AM  comment []   

As per normal Dave Winer seems to be being an A-grade asshole and just generally pissing off a lot of people.

That's not amusing, or even unusual, but what is is Morbus' (author of AmphetaDesk) reply. It is one of the best 'blog-putdowns' I've ever read.

"As for my cause, I'd love to hear it. Honestly, Dave, you're not that important to me. I don't think your ideas are very good, I think you're surrounded by a certain group of "yes" men that empower your twisted visions of grandeur, and you've set yourself up on a pedestal of "I AM IMPORTANT!" - witness your recent whinings about not being mentioned in The Guardian. It's NOT one bit about who was first, or what you think you've contributed to the community - it's about what people think about you and your accomplishments. Quite frankly, myself included, there are many people who dislike you. Whether you want to accept that or not, that's the sole reason you're not being mentioned anywhere - people are disgusted by your attitude, your personality, and your inability to discuss on a rationale level. If you want people to accept your accomplishments, then be a better person."

Made me LOL anyway.

10:38:36 AM  comment []   

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