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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Friday, 13 September 2002
Open Source Taglibs continued..

Well alright then. I didn't find anything that I liked, so I'll give it a shot. Maybe one of the webwork committers can give me a quick crash course on writing a ww taglib?

Mike, any other ideas? I've got some, now to figure out how to implement this.

OK - I figure it would work roughly like the table tag?

<webwork:calendar modelName="'/calendar'">
   <webwork:param name="'dayRenderer'" value="foo.jsp" />

The basic premise being that there is a 'CalendarModel' object which you can add your own objects into (say per day or per week) and then there are different 'renderers' (jsp templates which you can redefine yourself) that plug into the model. Just like the table tag has different CellRenderers.

Thoughts? (That is my 2 minute design sketch anyway)

12:46:46 PM  comment []   
Oh - I forgot this choice quote from Carlos on the JSF.

What scares me is that people who are qualified to design this are not in the "inner circle". The guys who did Swinglets, Tapestry, Echo and Webwork should get together and standardize something! You can't trust the apache guys to do this, just take a look at "Struts" and the TagLibs, they all suck!

Now now, I know at least one or two smart people at Apache...

12:41:24 PM  comment []   

Churning through one or two new submissions and found Carlos Perez Manageability blog, full of great thoughts on Java, especially MVC frameworks!

"nobody has an open source solution for debugging JSP inline." Part of the reason is that debugging JSPs inline is crap. You're debugging the .java file that's generated, not the JSP itself. They're usually nothing like each other.

On the difference between WebWork EL and JSTL:

The main difference apart from syntax of the WebWork and JSTL Expression languages are the following:
(1) WebWork leverages a stack for retrieving attributes, JSTL you assign things to variables.
(2) WebWork has a eval() like functionality, JSTL does not.
(3) WebWork works with forms today, JSTL does not.

On WebWork vs Struts:

WebWork is better than Struts today, but this lead will eventually diminish.

Now that is a contraversial statement! Of course the lead will never diminish

And on JSF (via Robin Sharp):

We've waited 2 years for this! It's just form components. No tables. No trees. No menus. No swapable look and feels to PDF/XML/JFC. No nice chunky demos to rub the .NET'ers faces in. Basically no beef.

I agree! I looked more at JSF and was waiting for these 'funky' components. JSF may be good at forms, but I can already do forms (more or less effectively). I want a skinnable calendar object damnit.

Good blog.

12:27:45 PM  comment []   

It seems that the crazy Spaniards have invented a new fruit called a The Kiwiño!

It's a cross between a plum, a kiwifruit, and a pineapple and has no hair on the skin (aww the best bit!).

Very amusing. And I always thought a Kiwino was an All Black with a drinking problem. Either that or it's one whining about losing the Bledisloe - in a drawn series - again.

10:10:00 AM  comment []   

It's starting already - this is all very exciting. Beg posted some of his own explanations of Rickard's random thoughts. I can almost feel the mental electricity.

10:07:33 AM  comment []   
Charles has some amusing Google humour about my blog. Very funny
10:00:47 AM  comment []   

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