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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Saturday, 7 September 2002
The power of WebWork

I really love this framework.

Today I hooked WebWork and Jakarta XML-RPC together to use the two as the Command dispatcher/processor for XML-RPC requests. I was able to do all this without modifying or tweeking either package.

This gives me the ability to build the Commands for processing both HTTP and XML-RPC in the same bean-like fashion and configure all via an XML file.

Very cool indeed. [Miceda]

Dave has seen the light. The biggest problem with Webwork is the name IMHO! We use it in JIRA as a generic command pattern framework internally for a large part of our business logic. We've also done a prototype of calling WW actions directly using a Glue SOAP dispatcher. It's all very simple, flexible and 'very cool'.

Now if only all those Struts users out there knew what they were missing...

10:36:22 AM  comment []   
ArsTechnica Posts Mac OS X 10.2 Review - amazingly detailed review of Jaguar.
10:33:45 AM  comment []   
Convergence in Java web frameworks? Probably Not.

If you want MVC and you believe in MVC then you should keep the controller out of the view and vice-versa. Including logic tags in the page for anything other than view logic (i.e. using foreach to display a list of items is OK) is asking for trouble. [All Things Java]

One word - Webwork.

10:32:16 AM  comment []   
Russell is waxing lyrical about Sillicon Valley Java/C++ Jobs - in particular  check out this chart. Now that is seriously scary, but amusing at the same time. The degree of correlation between Java job openings and the NASDAQ is very interesting.
10:26:43 AM  comment []   
Go Tomcat!.

Cafe au Lait is reporting that Tomcat 4.1 has been released and has provided a nice summary of the new features (see below).

  • JMX based administration
  • JSP and Struts based administration web application
  • New Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector
  • New Coyote JK2 AJP 1.3 connector
  • Rewritten Jasper JSP page compiler
  • Performance and memory efficiency improvements
  • Enhanced manager application support for integration with development tools
  • Custom Ant tasks to interact with the manager application directly from the build.xml scripts

Time to do some Roller benchmarking again. [Blogging Roller]

I've heard that some apps and tags will break on 4.1 (they probably weren't compliant before anyway) so upgrade with caution. I hope the performance is hugely improved from 4.0. The new Jasper engine should hopefully contribute significantly to the performance.

10:19:33 AM  comment []   

Run Mac OS X Under Linux [Slashdot: Apple]

When I saw this I did a huge double take... say what?! Yes, they are running Mac OS 9, OSX 10.1 and OSX 10.2 under Linux. Want proof? See the screenshots

Doesn't this mean someone could write a very thin Linux distribution that in effect acts as a bootloader for Jaguar on Intel?


10:16:17 AM  comment []   

A Tower in Oz to Touch the Sun. It is 7 kilometers wide and 1 kilometer high, and it will be the tallest man-made structure in the world if it gets built. Australia's solar tower is one vision of energy's future. By Daithí Ó hAnluain. [Wired News]

This sounds like a very wacky (but cool if it gets built!) project. Then again I live in Australia and I've never heard of this - doesn't that strike you as odd?

10:09:03 AM  comment []   

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