Saturday, July 23, 2005


Henry Ossawa Tanner
c. 1908
Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro

(click image for larger version)

3:29:25 PM   permalink   comment []

Dan Gillmor: "Kinsley is a brilliant but old-school journalist who genuinely seems intent on stretching boundaries. He'd do better if he stopped scolding the cyberworld and started truly working with it."

2:50:35 PM   permalink   comment []

A New York Police Department anti-terrorist team deploys on Broadway: "A Chevrolet Suburban with blacked-out windows pulls up to the curb, doors fly open, and officers in Kevlar combat helmets and body armor, carrying M-4 assault rifles, rush to positions."

Worth finding a copy of this unposted article about the NYPD's emergence as an elite anti-terror force under Commissioner Raymond Kelly, by William Finnegan in the July 25 issue of The New Yorker. (The site does post this Q&A about the article with Finnegan.)

The NY cops are ahead of the Feds in some important ways, and there is a sense that the City has to take care of itself. One expert quoted in the story says about terrorism, "As this thing metastasizes, cops are it. We're going to win this at the local level."

2:33:42 PM   permalink   comment []

Ivan Cutler on the debut of the Las Vegas furniture market: "Local and national news media attention will bathe the new market with positive attention. In contrast, High Point's Market will appear to be what it is: slow to respond, provincial and arrogantly complacent."

10:53:07 AM   permalink   comment []

Your tax dollars at work. Tierney: "As quarry for D.E.A. agents, doctors offered several advantages over crack dealers. They were not armed. They were listed in the phone book. They kept office hours and records of their transactions. And unlike the typical crack dealer living with his mother, they had valuable assets that could be seized and shared by the federal, state and local agencies fighting the drug war."

10:43:44 AM   permalink   comment []

Atrios is coming to Greensboro. One of the most influential and widely-read bloggers around, Atrios (aka Duncan Black) will lead a discussion on blogs as media watchdogs at Converge.

9:28:34 AM   permalink   comment []