Sunday, June 06, 2004

Ever wonder how Batman got his name? How about Superman? Wonder Woman? No? Why not? Is it because it's obvious? Well then clearly my superpower guy name should be Famelendez which is who(what?) the latest round of spam that graced my inbox was addressed to.

Famelendez? Is that a name? And if so, what's my superpower? Has a blog post ever had so many questions in it? Are you overpowered by my questioning? Maybe that's my superpower. Henceforth, I shall be called Famelendez. I dare you to pronounce it.
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Are the Pistons just teasing us? Could they possibly defeat the vaunted, much-hated Lakers? I watched the last half of the game tonight and they looked like a team that wasn't afraid. The Lakers looked like a team that thought they could coast. Maybe it is just a tease but God it's a good one.
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