Saturday, June 19, 2004

Glenn talks about Andrew Sullivan's public decision to not support Bush in '04 and I think his analysis is spot on. In this election, there can really be only one issue if you're paying attention and that's the war. We are at war. No amount of pacifism or appeasment will ever work on the terrorists we fight. We have to take the fight to them. And because I don't believe Kerry has the wherewithal or the balls, to put it bluntly, to do what it takes, I can't give him much support.

We truly are in a battle of civilizations. But I think it's more than that. People don't seem to understand the evil that we face. These animals who can behead civilians and blow up themselves call it holy and their religious duty. Nothing short of total victory for them is acceptable. So we have to take it to them. The administration may have not done things as smoothly as they could but I see no evidence that Kerry can do what it takes in a better fashion. In giving such weight to the Federal Gay Marriage Amendment in making his decision, Sullivan loses a bit of credibility in my view.

Brian Dunn says just what I said and more, only better. "We indeed have traveled a long way since 9-11. Too many people are back to 9-10. They hate us, people. All of us. Not just the current administration. Not just the Red State citizens. Owning a bongo and tie-dyed shirts won’t save you. Nor will spouting sympathy for their cause. We’re all targets and they’ll dance over our graves if we let them."

Another update: Roger Simon weighs in. It is interesting to wonder what was the trigger for the change in Sullivan. Why now? Is it really the gay marriage thing? Or is it something else? Things are getting curiouser and curiouser.
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