Tuesday, June 29, 2004

This is the kind of thing that makes me abhor two-thirds of the left. This apparent need (instinctual drive) to demonize one's opponent is rampant in much of the left these days. I really don't understand it. I really hope I never do. It's disgusting. It really is a plea for us to lose, not just the War on Terror, but in general. These people play for the other side. They actively root for our defeat. These are the types of people who say people hate us because of our policies and feel guilt about it. It's disgusting, this unmitigated hatred of the greatest country on Earth. Because that's what it is, a hatred, a putrid, vile hatred of those who would act to protect us from evil. For those of you who think it's a fringe element, you're wrong. According to that website, it will run on the back of the Nation magazine on July 5, 2004. Most of the left is morally bankrupt, attempting to assuage the guilt that they feel from America's success. I will vote. I will vote to do anything to keep those types of people, those types of things, away from any power in this nation. That type of hatred is becoming mainstream (see Michael Moore) and it adds nothing to the national discourse. I can't say anything else but that it's sickening.

Update: I was wrong, there's more to say. The links portion of that website includes both the ACLU and the DNC. On top of that, it links to a site that keeps a running total of the Iraqi civilians who have supposedly died in the Iraq war. The minimum is around 9500 and the maximum is around 11,000. How many have been named and confirmed? 692. Nothing about the hundreds of thousands who lie in mass graves. Words can't begin to express the intellectual dishonesty in vile things like this.
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Hillary Clinton was in San Fransisco today for a Democratic fundraser and had this to say:
    "Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

The common good, huh Senator Clinton? What is this common good you speak of? There is no such thing as the common good. It doesn't work that way. My money does not belong to the common anything. It belongs to me. Except when scary people like yourselves take it upon yourself to decide how my money ought to be spent in a way that I probably wouldn't have spent it in the first place.

Everytime I see a political person say something about the common good, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. This is no different. Professor Bainbridge has some applicable quotes.
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Can you really sue for being humiliated?
7:09:26 PM    What do you think?  []  trackback []

Why we really went to Iraq.
5:47:25 PM    What do you think?  []  trackback []

Psycho Pong, the next level of irritation from the Internet.
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