Thursday, June 24, 2004

I have had this nagging feeling over the past couple of weeks of something being wrong with my brain or something. At first, I thought I was just restless. Then I thought I needed a vacation, that my brain was just too full of crap bouncing around. I believe though that I have figured the problem out (Note: this is the third answer in three weeks, tune in next week for THE REAL answer). I'm mentally constipated. I need brain Ex-lax. Or maybe some mental Metamucil. Pulling things out of my head is difficult and painful and requires a great deal of effort. Some times, the strain isn't worth it and I have a drink or two which seems to help. But mostly, I just sit and ponder nothing. Not the lint in my navel, not the complexities and variations on the Cover 2, not anything. And it's not a general good ponderance of nothing like Buddha used to do. Mostly, it's a constipated ponderance of nothing. I think K would say it's because of the censors in my head, the little green (maybe mauve) demons, the ones who tell me to not take chances and not do things that are silly. There may be some truth to that. But mostly I think it's because I don't get enough mental fiber, to really kick a dead horse (metaphor). However, I suppose that given the choice between this nagging constipation and diarrhea, I'd choose the former. Though given the length of this post and its wordiness, I could be trending towards the latter.
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Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, opens tomorrow night at film houses around the country. Now one would expect the the Right to be complaining about the film but when the Left starts to do it, you have to wonder about the sanity of those who would actually buy into the premise of the film. Of course, the premise of the film, that Bush had some conspiratorial plans in letting certain Saudis fly out of the country soon after 9/11, is completely bogus given that Richard Clarke took complete and sole responsibility for that action. After that, the veracity of the rest of the film (Disclosure: I haven't seen it and am unlikely to see it) is surely troublesome. The reviewers above all seem to concur.

To what state has our cinema fallen that a film such as this, full of contradictions and pomposity, win the Palme d'Or at Cannes? And how could so many on the Left buy into what Moore is selling? I know people, more than I care to admit, who given the choice Lileks put forth recently, of having Bush re-elected and bin Laden caught or Bush defeated and bin Laden free, would choose the latter and gleefully at that.

The moral equivalence is frightening. I don't understand it. To hold a view that the President of the United States of America is more worthy of being voted out of office than the capture of a demon responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians is incomprehensible to me. How have we come to this state of affairs? And how do we get ourselves out of it? I don't have any easy answers. Hell, I don't think I have any hard answers. But doing everything in one's power to paint your opponents in a light that is not only unfavorable but hateful and repugnant doesn't seem to me to be the path to take.
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In today's self-indulgent, spoiled NBA, it's nice when someone notices hard work and dedication to a job. Ben Wallace and the Pistons have indeed triumphed over evil in beating the Lakers.
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