Thursday, June 10, 2004

I'm beginning to believe in the Detroit Pistons. They seem to have become a team of destiny. Were it not for a miracle shot Tuesday night from Kobe to tie the game and send it to overtime, the Pistons would be sitting on a 3-0 lead right now. As it is, they are 2-1, about 2 games better than anyone had them, yours truly included. I thought the series would go 5 games. Instead, the offensive powerhouse that is the Lakers has gone strangely quiet. Only Kobe and Shaq in double figures for the first three games is an amazing stat. I never would have thought it possible, but Larry Brown is proving that defense can still win in today's NBA. I think it's the shot in the arm that the NBA needs.

Of course, I'm going to have nightmares for the next week that Detroit finds a way to lose this all.
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Dallas has an interim city manager while the search ramps up for a replacement for Benavides. None of this really changes anything in the government of Dallas though. With the current set-up of weak mayor, weak council, and weak city manager, it doesn't much matter who gets what position.
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Wow the left is really reaching for a way to make Reagan look bad. The man's been dead 4 days and they are already trying to make it look like his administration wasn't concerned with AIDS. Pretty sad. In general, I'd have to think not many people at any level of government was aware in 1984 that AIDS would turn out to be the epidemic that it has. Again, the far left proves it's pretty much running on an empty platform.
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