Monday, June 28, 2004

Michael Moore hates America. Heh.
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Chirac loses his cool at the NATO summit. Now if you believe Bush is a moron, you think this is just another example of his bumbling hurting our trans-atlantic "allies". You'd be wrong to think that but you can think that if you want. I think this is most likely a shrewd play to further isolate France from NATO and the EU as well as strengthen other parts of Europe. France probably isn't the future of the EU, if it has a future, and Chirac is none too pleased with the writing on the wall, hence the outburst at Bush.

Rumor has it, Bush was quite a poker player in grad school. This is classic "getting the other guy to show you his hand" type stuff.
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For any Austin ex-pats (and anyone else who loves the Texas Hill country), check out Austin Country Limits, a photo blog of the Austin area.
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Dallas has a new marketing video which leads me to ask a few questions. Did we have an old marketing video? If not, can this one really be "new"? And why does a city need a marketing video? Doesn't it seem kind of strange that instead of figuring out how to make Dallas better, we're just marketing it differently? Weird.

This quote is true though:

    “A lot of the residents of Dallas are our own worst enemies,” Mr. Jones said, adding that when family or friends call, locals often dissuade them from visiting.

I've never really understood the people who live here but are always bad-mouthing the town for whatever pet reason they have. I think Dallas is a great town with tons to offer. Not sure why other residents don't think the same way.
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