Utah state parks will soon be available through ReserveAmerica which recently announced its top 100 favorite campgrounds in the United States, seven of which were in Utah. Five of these were located at Utah state parks. Here are their selections:
Although these are some great places, they are not my top picks. If you really want a great camping experience in Utah, try one of these: Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Mirror Lake (or Trial Lake or any place else in the Uinta Mtns.), Aspen Grove, Payson Lakes, Starvation Reservoir, Bear Lake, or Goblin Valley.
The Federal government contracts with ReserveAmerica for the ReserveUSA site, but Federal campgrounds are also available through ReserveAmerica. Other good resources include recreation.gov and publiclands.org.
Outside of Utah, my favorite has to be Colter Bay on the shores of Jackson Lake in Wyoming.
7:52:47 AM