Updated: 24/7/04; 9:25:23 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Thursday, July 1, 2004

A picture named music.jpgMusic - Nonstop. Oh my, this is just fab (34MB mpeg video download, worth every second). More at animusic. Via IT&W and Armin. Great.
9:21:48 PM     |     

A picture named am_tag_als_conny_kramer_sta.jpgThe Old Fart MP3 Competition, Part 237. Wir lagen träumend im Gras... Juliane Werding and 'Der Tag, als Conny Kramer starb' [zipped MP3, 3.8MB]. The dreadful lyrics translated into English are here. Have fun, or actually don't have fun, because it's just incredibly horrible.
6:48:24 PM     |     

A picture named 0479oxfordgargoyles.jpgThem Gargoyles Again! Nice set of icons for OS X: The Oxford Gargoyles.
3:45:35 PM     |     

A picture named 365days.jpg365 MP3s. The 365 Days Project at Ubuweb.

UbuWeb is pleased to announce the re-launch and permanent home of curator Otis F. Odder's 365 Days Project. This legendary project, in which an MP3 a day -- of mostly outsider, novelty, and oddball recordings -- was made available for the public to download over the course of 2003.
12:59:42 PM     |     

A picture named tech1.jpgHistory. Photos for the future.

In March 1999, The History Channel launched a national project to build an archive of personal photographs of life in the 20th century. The result is a unique record of our nation's heritage from people of all generations and all backgrounds.
12:52:32 PM     |     

A picture named 10_r3_c2.jpgKubrick. A very strange website about The Shining.
12:30:39 PM     |     

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