Updated: 24/7/04; 9:25:19 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A picture named robot_1.gifDear Readers. I'm busy moving this weblog to the new domain, so there won't be any updates during the next three days, I'm afraid. A final announcement together with a redirect meta-tag (wonder if that's gonna work!) will be made here on Sunday, after that almost everything will be better: Life, Universe and all the rest.

And I'll still use the good old Radio for the time being; I don't think I'll need a more powerful package for the silly things I'm doing here. Or let me rephrase that: I'm simply too stupid for Expression Engine. And also much too lazy redesigning everything. It's already one hell of work just moving this weblog.

See you (hopefully) all back on Monday at the new place.
7:48:14 PM     |     

A picture named time3.jpgTalking about Dinosaur Books. There's a few more.
4:11:09 PM     |     

A picture named HAW5039-S.jpgHow and Why. I remember reading them when I was a kid; in Germany they were called Was ist Was Bücher. Well, here's a very big cover gallery. And the How and Why book about dinosaurs, with a few inner pages, can be found here. Enjoy.
3:56:11 PM     |     

A picture named map.gifThe School for Atheists. Etchings by Jens Rusch. Ugly Lycos ads included in the website. Unfortunately.
10:36:17 AM     |     

A picture named tomatost.jpgHey Mr Spaceman. The most outrageous space suits.
7:56:43 AM     |     

A picture named art_soloflight.jpgThis is Fantastic. The art of Bard Edlund. Oh, and have a look at Mailbox Blues too.
7:49:32 AM     |     

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