Updated: 24/7/04; 9:25:08 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Friday, July 16, 2004

A picture named Duprez.gifDuprez. More good illustrations: DuprezDolores. Fab, brilliant, great.
7:47:19 PM     |     

A picture named anim.jpgSweet Jane. It's live, comes with the complete intro by Messieurs Dick Wagner and Steve Hunter, and can be found on this website [MP3, 9.8MB], amongst other superb Old Fart Music.

This is a record to be played loud. Like a Formula One car, it doesn't really begin to perform until it's pushed close to the limit. As background music it isn't much, but powered up on a strong system loud enough to make enemies a quarter-mile away, Rock n Roll Animal -- recorded live at Lou Reed's Academy of Music concert December 21st, 1973 -- is, well, very fine. (superseventies.com)
1:54:57 PM     |     

A picture named 13.jpgAlice's Adventures under Ground. This is a full scan of the very first Alice book ever, handwritten and illustrated by Lewis Carroll.
7:26:25 AM     |     

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