Updated: 24/7/04; 9:24:50 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Thursday, July 8, 2004

A picture named robot2.gifI really like Coudal Partners new layout and webdesign. And now check out panicarmy, who are based in Lithuania. And this panic guy even has the nerve writing: As a web designer, i look for perfection in my work, and inspiration in the work of others. Well, he doesn't seem to understand the difference between 'inspiration' and 'theft'. Back to art school. Now.
7:52:41 PM     |     

A picture named face2.gifAh - the Weather again. BBC NEWS | England | More weather misery expected

The Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park was flooded, just one day after it was officially opened by the Queen.

Five children at Barrow Hedges Primary School in Carshalton, Surrey, were also treated for shock.

Not quite sure if those two incidents were related in any way...
9:16:10 AM     |     

A picture named boriskarloff22.jpgKarloff. Nice photo galleries; the Mr. Wong mysteries; a few audio files; the official website (which is rather boring). And no, I couldn't find Peter and the wolf anywhere.

Alone Bad......Friend good....Friend....good!

Update: A collection of Karloff audio is available on CD here.
8:36:24 AM     |     

A picture named treasure_is_jkt_lg.jpgMervyn Peake. Artist. Illustrator. Novelist. Poet. The official website. Fantastic work. Via linkfilter.
8:21:32 AM     |     

A picture named Fools.gifNo Comment. Blair says Iraq WMD may never be found. Politics: PM admits for the first time that weapons of mass destruction may never be found in Iraq, but refuses to apologise for invasion. [Guardian Unlimited]

The Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy described Mr Blair's position as silly.
8:09:44 AM     |     

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