Updated: 24/7/04; 9:25:01 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A picture named bird.gifI'm sure he does. Blair dodges Iraq probe questions. Tony Blair brushes questions on the inquiry into intelligence about Iraq aside but gives a robust defence of his decision to go to war. [BBC News]
4:22:40 PM     |     

A picture named robot2.gifI'm glad I haven't got one. A Barclaycard. The mysteries of online banking with Barclays Bank, all explained here: Barclaycard dumps Mac users |The Register

We are not quite sure how much light we've been able to shed on this one. Let's recap: Barclaycard current policy is that it doesn't support Macs. It never has, except that it did. And it should be fixed soon. But it isn't to do with the logo, its all because of Netscape 7.

UK-Banking is a mystery, not only with Barclays, not only with online banking, but with UK-Banking itself. Believe me.
4:16:18 PM     |     

A picture named simulacres.jpgSimulacra. 650 Philip K. Dick book covers, all from the philipKdickFans.com website. And many thanks to WeltAmDraht for pointing out the German Philip K. Dick e-zine.
2:07:28 PM     |     

A picture named 2CD.gifPractical Origami. A double CD case, folded from an A4 (or letter size) sheet.
8:39:33 AM     |     

A picture named chic_glorifier-01.jpgThe Wonders of Technology. This has been blogged elsewhere over the last few weeks, but anyway - the Antique Vibrator Museum is always good for a link. Thanks go to Andy Campsey.
8:27:11 AM     |     

A picture named spirre-huvud.jpgLearning Swedish with Spirou. The fantastic Spirou et Fantasio website in Sweden presents this full Spirou comic book. An early Franquin. Fab. Many thanks to Sebastian for this.
8:18:21 AM     |     

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