Updated: 24/7/04; 9:24:45 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

A picture named punk.gifHey Man, what's your style... I'm still listening to INDIE 103.1.
10:07:06 PM     |     

A picture named cat.jpgLegalize it. No weblog without a cat picture. Here's mine.
9:35:22 PM     |     

A picture named chesterfield.jpgMaster of Stage and Screen. Basil Rathbone. Huge website about the actor.

And here are some audio files for you: The Sherlock Holmes radio shows from the thirties; Basil Rathbone reading Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. Fab. This is art.
8:49:35 AM     |     

A picture named lmy001.jpgDream House. Seven+Eight Years of Sound and Light: La Monte Young.

Related: La Monte Young's Well-Tuned Piano.
8:40:23 AM     |     

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