Updated: 24/7/04; 9:25:14 am.
The Cartoonist
Cartoons. Advertising. OS X. Raumpatrouille.

Monday, July 19, 2004

A picture named read.jpgAmazing. More great illustrations at microbians.com. Via Papel Continuo.
5:44:00 PM     |     

A picture named biblio.jpgAll those Books. Arno Schmidt's reference library at the GASL. It's growing and growing and the books are available as PDF downloads; lots of interesting stuff there.
5:05:27 PM     |     

A picture named ec_gl01.jpgWho's on first? Abbott & Costello meet the internet. Make sure to check out the audio section. This again comes via WeltamDraht.
8:19:13 AM     |     

A picture named energy.jpgLet's do the Erlenmeyer. Singing Science Records, with song titles like Zoom A Little Zoom or E-lec-tri-city. Fantastic collection of MP3s. Credits go again to WeltamDraht.

The Singing Science lyrics were very Atomic Age, while the tunes were generally riffs on popular or genre music of the time. We played them incessantly.
8:09:55 AM     |     

A picture named srngs2.jpgLet's do the Robot. Cocktail Music for Robots - an LP Cover Gallery of the Music of the Future, from 1959 (1, 2, 3). Fab. Thanks to WeltamDraht!
8:01:56 AM     |     

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