Ross Mayfield's Weblog
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Thursday, December 19, 2002

CIO Mag on Blogs

CIO Magazine includes blogging as one of its Ideas for 2003.  In idea 29 out of 48, it highlights the use of blogs as a marketing tool, citing Macromedia as an example:

"While it might not feel like a marketing tool, the opt-in nature of the technology makes it an appealing way to establish and maintain low-pressure, high-value relationships with customers."

I guess this is a sign that Gonzo Marketing is percolating to the mainsteam.

In a different section they highlight Phil Windley as a CIO Blogger: "Why go to the trouble? Abundant communication, he explains, "is crucial to a high-performance organization."

11:47:25 PM    comment []

Death of Abundance

As I mentioned, Glenn Fleishman and Bob Frankston are having an interesting discussion on QoS. Let me lob in a perspective:

  1. The capital markets will never accept a solution of abundance for QoS.  Regardless of how one might explain that excess capacity is necessary to achieve quality of service, any carrier that portends excess will be smacked for creating a bandwidth glut.  Abundance is risk.
  2. There can be numerous tiers of service.  One of the common criticisms of QoS is that there are wide variants of quality and translating these into service level agreements would result in an impractical diversity of contract structures.  But other commodities, after standardizing other contractual terms have diverse tiers of quality.  West Texas Intermediate Crude (WTI), the most liquid natural gas contract, has over 100 grades of quality.
  3. Defining and agreeing to quality pays.  Beyond customers paying a premium for quality, QoS and SLAs determine fungible goods and enable risk management.  If David Isenberg is right, that carriers must move to become commodity providers of utility service, I would suggest that the value they can create is in:
    • Reducing the operational risk of their customers through SLAs
    • Reducing the market risk of their customers through contracts
    • Standardizing inter-carrier SLAs and transactions
    • Enhancing their systems to compete on their ability to rapidly provision for diverse edge requirements at a high volume
    • Providing as much control to the customer as possible

This is less of a technologist than a marketeer's perspective, but I believe what's missing is the practicality of what carriers will adopt and be valued for.

9:20:42 AM    comment []

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