Wednesday, June 04, 2003


And if it ever stops rainin'
If the sun ever breaks through
And shines down from on high
I'll do all those things
I keep complainin' that I'm not doin'
And I'll put my arms around you
Under the blue blue sky

         --Graham Parker, If it Ever Stops Rainin'

I just got home from my scuba club's monthly meeting. I thought I was going to need my whole rig just to get to my car. Well, at least the wet suit would've come in handy. The streets around here are flooding and there's little relief in sight. It's going to be cloudy the next couple of days and, yes that's right, raining on the weekend. I'm sure it'll be sunny on Monday morning though.

Am I the only one who doesn't believe Hillary Rodham Clinton when she says that she couldn't believe that President Bill lied to her about Monica Lewinsky? I mean come on already, with all his fooling around on the side are we supposed to believe that she actually believed him? I may have been born during the day, but not yesterday. Hillary doesn't do or say anything without an agenda of her own. This sudden "I can't believe Bill lied to me" is pure BS and is premeditated BS. I think it's all part of her plan to position herself for a Presidential run down the road. If she was mad at Bill it was for being so stupid as to get caught.

I also got to see the Martha Stewart Show today, but not on TV. I was across the street at the State Supreme Court watching the sideshow out of a second floor window. There was another sideshow going on in the court I was in. Maybe I'll tell you more about that in another post. Well, it looks like Martha is about to be crowned the new Queen of Mean (sorry Leona). I'm not a fan of hers, but it looks like the most popular sport in this country these days is to watch the agony of others. I mean, who tunes in to American Idol to see a good performance. Everybody wants to see Simon skewer somebody.

That's just my opinion. You could disagree, but you'd be wrong.

File under Rants and Raves.

11:24:24 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []