Thursday, June 26, 2003


I saw posted over at a small victory a link to a funny article listing The Top 11 Animal Attack Movies. One of the movies mentioned at Michele's site was Night of The Lepus, a particularly horrid movie that I remember watching in college with a bunch of friends when we were pretty well wasted. We'd just spent a number of hours watching the TV series The Night Stalker and the Vincent Price movie Dr. Phibes Rises Again when this bizzare piece of film idioticus came on. There's a great review of the flick at NOWFF that'll give you a real good dose of what it's about. Here's a little taste:

Our heroes decide to deal with their "harey" problem, Wile-E-Coyote style, with a few cases of Dynamite.  The plan fails miserably and a night of leaping carnage follows.  Rabbits pour forth across the countryside, amidst dry ice fog, looking like extras at an Aerosmith concert. The hoppers spook horses, rampage through a dollhouse and brutally slay several of the townsfolk.    

I thought of a couple of other candidates that were left off the list:

  • Jurassic Park - after all, everybody likes it when the Bloodsucking Lawyer gets it. Especially since he's sitting on the crapper when the T-Rex bites him in half.
  • The Deadly Mantis - what is it about giant bugs that makes them want to get even with us for all that DDT? At one point the enraged insect knocks over a city bus revealing the word "TONKA" on its underside. If you don't believe me you can check
  • The Little Shop Of Horrors - the only thing going against it is that technically the beast is a plant, not an animal. Sounds like discrimination to me.

I also read an entertaining piece instructing Richard Gepphart on the do's and don'ts of Executive Orders over at IMAO 

There's also a great article on the cover-up of Princess Diana's assassination over at Conspiracy Planet. I makes for good reading and a lot of interesting conversation.

Finally, I must sadly report that the Asbury Music Festival scheduled for July 5th has been cancelled. Not to worry though. On The Fourth  La Bamba's Big Band will be at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park along with Bobby Bandiera and John Eddie. The next night Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes will be there along with Gary U.S. Bonds. We'll still be rockin' all night long.

File under Blog Talk.

8:16:48 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []