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  Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Muppets R0x0r

Oh My God.


Thank you Onion, I needed some levity.
1:54:42 PM  comment []   


rain falls on rooftop
shatters the smooth river surf
cold in savannah.

Raining today and much cooler than it's been, and the roof of the convention is resonating sound like a bell. The white noise providing a comfortable echo in the long hallway, the sound of driving on a gravel road.

Conference continues to come together, but there's always drama, sessions that are full, hotels overbooked, execs being fussy, various and sundry other problems with lighting and screens and such.

Had a great discussion with Peter Hill at lunch today about education and the presence of technology. This will be a long blogrant to come. It's incredibly important that we realize that technology changes everything when it comes to education.

USA Today had a front page article on the Epidemic of the Sexless Marriage. I suppose it's on their website, but I just don't care about anything that's not related to this conference.
1:19:54 PM  comment []