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  Thursday, January 30, 2003

Twice in One Day! I'm Linkeriffic!

Man, somebody out there musta done something awful, cuz I'm back again with more links!

...Road Signs in Ireland

...How Many of the 'Top 100' Women have Tattoos? Man, I'd hate to have to be that researcher.

...Child Free Advocates poke fun at a site where a couple is raising money to help fund their fertility treatment. Man, people suck sometimes.

...More Takes on the State of the Union from The Atlantic.

...Dave Hyatt plays with puzzles

...How come, in all my years of swimming, we never thought of this?! I mean, really! The original article is here.

...Cry Havoc! shouts "the fairest of them all".
10:53:14 PM  comment []   


Jamie has posted a list of Gas Companies who choose not to buy from the Saudis. Guess where I'm getting my gas now?
10:29:09 PM  comment []   
I hate it when...

I hate it when shows get technology wrong. Tonight, I'm watching CSI on CBS. It's a good show, usually. Except tonight, they've put one of the murders in a server-farm in Las Vegas. The have row upon row of towers with little LED lights on the front. But the problem is...they got it wrong. Server farms are loud places, with no smooth surfaces, instead, disk drives and LEDs and CD trays and Hard disks.

Even worse, the caricatures of the staff at the company, and the tech that the usual investigator had assigned, were offensive. Look, not all people who work in technology are crazy-looking and sexually aggressive like the girl, not all the guys are mindless geeks in good shirts with a penchant for online role-playing games. I hate that we as a society treat those with technology know-how as freaks and wizards. We're not. We're just people with a different specialty.

When will TV get it right?
10:09:20 PM  comment []   

Doing Taxes.


Why oh why must the Feds take 25% of my money?
2:42:16 PM  comment []   

Google, Dell Interns and Angst.

When it comes to Google, I'm a little sketchy on how they link to what they link to, and how the rankings work. But somehow, I'm the #9 search result when it comes to Dell Interns. I hate the Dell Interns, like enough to make my ulcer act up and make me wish fiery death on their ad agency, and possibly the actors themselves, but only because their perversion of technology. It just makes me pissy. Yarr. Time for the Maalox.
1:29:21 PM  comment []   
I'm Linkotastic!

Wednesday Links!

...Sofia Sideshow talks Helen Thomas

...SSS also has a feature on The Intercontinental Bitchslap

...Another interpretation of the State of the Union. One quick thing though...he didn't use the Lord's name, he used God's.

...Mike has Subtle Retribution for the people behind Gilmore Girls. Oh, and I share your small violin playing for those surrender monkeys at Opera.

...Doc points out that Los Angeles has a high concentration of neat bloggers. Of course, they could use a moderate voice of reason as their liberalism is, well, extreme. Of course, Vonnegut's remarks are pretty damn cool. This is going to branch off for a second into something from our Conference. Ed, Ben and I were talking about how plausible you can sound giving a direct answer that you aren't 100% sure is right. Hell, you can be dead wrong, but if you sound sure, people will do whatever you say if they think you're in charge. This is a psychological thing as much as it is an ethical one.

...Dad will be pleased to note that at least in Britain, you can buy the whole Inspector Morse.

...Frank has ideas on Where We Can Exile Saddam and also what Donald Rumsfeld Thought of the State of the Union. Great line about the DC police at the end. How apt.

...According to Plastic, McCain is putting a bill to offer Mini-Enlistments. Not a bad idea John, not a bad one at all. Think about it. Serve a year and a half, get cash and access to superlative job training both in the service and then as part of Americorps. Citizens, John, that's what this will make!

...Apparently, it's Not Just For Ninjas Any More...

...Right Wing Fire on AIDS proposal? Wired News Has More.
1:19:49 PM  comment []