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  Sunday, June 8, 2003

Aie! No More Volleyball Festival?!

Growing up in Davis, there were some things that were just too good to be true. The weather, a safe community, and 10,000 teenage girls who showed up for a week in June. Davis hosted a Volleyball Festival. They'd play at the gyms around town, and Recreation Hall on the UC Davis campus, and then they'd go hang out at the Rec Pool in their bathing suits. Now. If you were a teenaged boy, where would you be? That's right, the Rec Pool.

There were maybe 10 of us who would go down and hang out there at the pool, practice our moves on the diving board. Brian Kennedy was the master of the 1 1/2 tuck from the low board. He spent a whole summer working on the double, but never got it to work. Brian and Pat had also mastered the synchronized flying 1 1/2s. Those were the days. No job, no school, just a tan, some water and a good time.

But no more. The Volleyball Festival is moving. *sigh* Davis loses so much because it doesn't want to grow, when smart growth would do so much.
9:12:12 PM  comment []   

Things Continue to be Weird.

So, This is odd. Once upon a time I had a LiveJournal. It's where I got my blogging start. It's still up, if you'd like to check it out. But, I got an email this morning, apparently, my journal is #7 on the LJ Top 40.

But hey, no one said this wasn't a strange day.
7:37:03 PM  comment []   

A funny thing happened on the way to the grocery store.

After church this morning, I realized I hadn't picked up a few things and thought I'd run by Trader Joe's to grab them and continue on home. When I got there and found a place to park, two guys were running out, one with a funny earpiece, hurrying toward a blue car with DC plates. Yep, they'd just robbed the place.


So much weirdness, so little time.
2:11:31 PM  comment []