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  Friday, June 27, 2003

Musical Awareness

I hadn't realize just how much music can affect my mood during the day. The past few days I've been so busy at work that I've not been able to turn my iTunes up and rock out. This consequently makes me cranky. The most comforted I've been all week was listening to music in the car creeping along the highway at 5mph through rush hour traffic. This just should not be!

And I've certainly felt better every day after rehearsal.

It's been a long week, and I'm very glad it's just about over. We're going to be kicking up our heels tomorrow for the housewarming, I'll post a gallery of pictures tomorrow night and of course, the webcam will be in effect during the party.
4:51:14 PM  comment []   

Dumbass of the Day.

Mike pointed out that someone has trademarked the phrase "Clue By Four". Apparently some marketroid decided it might not be a bad idea to have this phrase in his pocket for some product or another and went and tried to get it Trademarked. It's a real shame that he hadn't ever actually USED his product, as right now, the law world is going to be applying it liberally.
9:38:26 AM  comment []   
Gizmodo Likes Me!

Gizmodo has picked up my First Look at the iSight, which I think is one of the neatest things since sliced bread. The column or the camera, you ask? Oh. Both!
8:35:43 AM  comment []   
Sign Me Up!

The Do Not Call Registry opens today at 8:30 am. You can Register here after that time. W00t!
7:22:29 AM  comment []