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  Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Webcam Goodness!

Because, well, Because I can, I've added a webcam to my blog. It's running on EvoCam from Evological and is taking pictures every five minutes or so, assuming I have my iSight on. This is so cool. I am so excited about the prospects of this stuff. I've had a few people IM me with requests to test out their cameras and mics and stuff. If you want to do it as well, IM me at drc2k and I'll be glad to help.
3:16:39 PM  comment []   
Return of the Evil Seizure Lights

This is how *flash* my day began this *flash* morning. We have *flash* an alarm system in *flash* our building *flash*. Apparently this morning *flash* they are doing *flash* testing of the *flash* fire alarm lighting *flash* system. You can *flash* imagine how *flash* annoying these *flash* stupid $&!%ing *flash* flashes are.
9:50:14 AM  comment []