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  Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Just some stuff...

This is more dregs of my brain and the web at large, disregard if you so desire.

So yesterday Apple released some stuff that just knocked my socks off. For one, we've got iChat AV. John Gruber has some fun thoughts. My favorite?

iChat and iSight
Everyone is saying: Video conferencing.
Everyone is thinking: Amateur porno!

Grudging praise for Apple from Feedster despite the typical pay-for-upgrade? rant. Look, this is the last time I'm going to say it. $130 for pieces of software that make your computer better isn't a lot of money. I buy shareware a lot. NetNewsWire: $40. WeatherPop: $7. Watson: $40. Transmit: $25. Games From Ambrosia: $40. These are not expensive things, individually, but as a group make up a serious investment. $130 in the scheme of things isn't a lot of money, and it's not like you aren't getting something in return. For example, iChat AV is a seriously nice piece of software. Hell, it may replace my phone someday. So, really, if you don't want to pay, don't, but we'll all laugh at you when your system isn't running Panther in a year, just like I laugh at people who aren't running Jaguar yet.

A note from David Hyatt about Safari 1.0

Steven Berlin Johnson also covered Exposé very well today. This is an absolutely positively rock-em, sock-em feature from Apple. Say goodbye to clutter and say hello to a genie that will automagically order it all for you. I am excited about this. I don't get everyone's aversion to the brushed metal interface. What the hell is wrong with ya'll?

Dive into Mark has some choice words for "followers" of blogs.

Wired covers the new G5s with a bit of help from resident cultist Leander Kahney.

And an apology from Ben Hammersley.

Off to pick up my iSight from Apple.
11:40:00 AM  comment []